Wildwood Elementary

Blog Entries - June 2020

Return to Learn Plan

"Return to Learn" Plan & Guidelines

Posted on: June 30, 2020

From the Desk of Marlon Styles, Jr., Proud Superintendent Dear Middies: The Middletown City School District believes the reopening of our schools should be a decision informed by applicable health and safety information.  Our number one priority

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Marlon Styles, Jr.  Superintendent, Middletown City School District

Black Male Superintendent’s 24 Hours of Joy & Pain - 3 Things

Posted on: June 11, 2020

Press the pause button for just one minute.  It is time for me to reflect on the last 24 hours of my professional life.  I want to share my thoughts with you.  My emotions include both joy and pain as a result of three professional experiences

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MCSD BOE Members

"To Inspire" A Message from the Board of Education

Posted on: June 8, 2020

Middletown City Schools stands united in the fight against racism. We are a district that emphasizes social justice and realize that we must be intentional in our work to fulfill our nation’s promise of freedom and equity for all children.

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Marlon Styles, headshot

"I believe in you." A Superintendent's Message of Hope

Posted on: June 1, 2020

To our students, breathe.  You represent the hope in this country that will ensure the fair treatment of all people.  You represent not just change, but breath and hope.  Yes, hope.  For this reason, I want you to understand that Middletown City School District joins you in all your pains to make your dreams come true. 

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