Middletown High School

Interested in Becoming a Library Aide?

Aside from the Student Services rules for becoming an Office Aide, there are a few things you need to know. 

Common Job Tasks:

  • You will need to be able to read and understand decimal points and the numbers following them. You will need to place books in these orders.
  • You will be asked to shelve books in alphabetical order. Often.
  • You will need to run the circulation desk and help people find materials.
  • There is frequent cleaning involved.
  • There are numerous projects you will be required to assist with. 

Common Perks:

  • You will have time to do some homework.
  • You can help decorate window displays.
  • You get to deliver papers and materials to teachers. 

See Ms. Heintzman in the Library for an application and Student Services to verify your eligibility.

13 = currentCategoryID
42 = currentSubcategoryID