Middletown High School

Home Of The Middies

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Middletown High School

601 N Breiel Blvd. Middletown, Oh 45042

P: (513) 420-4500 | F: (513) 420-4648

Hours: 7:15 AM - 2:15 PM

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Group of Black men in purple hoodies with the Admiral Squad logo

The Admiral Squad

Posted on: September 8, 2022

Middletown City School District is working to address the shortage of Black males in education. This week we are introducing The Admiral Squad, an affinity group for Black males in our district. The Admiral Squad will inspire more Black males to enter

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Blurred out image of choice board with a click here hand

September 6: Personalized Learning Day

Posted on: August 29, 2022

Personalized Learning is a student-led day of choice (students do not report to school). On Personalized Learning Days, our teachers and staff will engage in professional development while the students are at home and learning independently. There will be a total of three Personalized Learning Days this school year.

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SELECT `tbl-district-news-Entry`.`EntryRowID`, `EntryStatus`, `EntrySaved`, `EntryFeatured`, `EntryTitle`, `EntryDate`, `EntryEndDate`, `EntrySortOrder`, `EntryTags`, `EntryAbstract`, `EntryPreview`, `EntryPageH1Tag`, `EntryPermaLink`, `EntryPageTitle`, `EntryPageKeywords`, `EntryPageDescription`, `EntryCreatedDTTM`, `EntryDirectory` FROM `tbl-district-news-Entry` INNER JOIN `tbl-district-news-EntryPage` ON `tbl-district-news-EntryPage`.`EntryRowID` = `tbl-district-news-Entry`.`EntryRowID` WHERE `EntryStatus` = 'published' AND `tbl-district-news-EntryPage`.`PageRowID` = '75' AND `EntryDate` <= '2025-03-05' AND `EntryEndDate` >= '2025-03-05' OR `EntryStatus` = 'published' AND `tbl-district-news-EntryPage`.`PageRowID` = '75' AND `EntryDate` <= '2025-03-05' AND `EntryEndDate` = '0000-00-00' UNION SELECT * FROM `tbl-middletown-high-school-news-Entry` WHERE `EntryStatus` = 'published' AND `EntryDate` <= '2025-03-05' AND `EntryEndDate` >= '2025-03-05' OR `EntryStatus` = 'published' AND `EntryDate` <= '2025-03-05' AND `EntryEndDate` = '0000-00-00' ORDER BY `EntryFeatured` DESC, `EntrySortOrder`, `EntryDate` DESC LIMIT 0,2
1 = currentCategoryID
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