MVP: Middie Virtual Program News

ICYMI Journal-News: The Summer of the Middie Meal Machine

Posted on: August 7, 2019
Middie Meal Machine


Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark joined the Middletown Schools community at the final Middie Meal Machine summer food truck stop. Read the article below to find out why the first summer of the Middie Meal Machine was a success and what’s in store for the coming year. 

To read the full article, click here.


Middletown’s ‘Middie Meal Machine’ in demand for school year after first summer serving lunches
August 5, 2019
By Michael D. Clark, Journal-News Staff Writer

“Middletown school parent Franchesca Morgan knew it was lunch time and exactly where to go to feed her two children: The parking lot of Rosa Parks Elementary...

“Morgan lined up with dozens of other school parents and children for a free, healthy lunch...courtesy of the first food truck in the city schools’ history… 

“Three years ago Lakota was the first district in the county to launch a summer food truck program, followed later by Hamilton and Middletown this summer… 

“And this year Fairfield started its first summer lunch program… 

“In Butler County, Middletown…[has] 100 percent of their student [population] eligible for free school meals in 2018… 

“‘I think it’s wonderful for the kids to give them some nourishment outside of the household during the summer time,’ Morgan said… 

“‘It’s a good resource for them and hopefully it can continue on for many years to come’...

“That’s the plan, said Middletown School officials running the ‘Middie Meal Machine’ food truck, which is already booked for many school and community events for the coming school year… 

“School food service officials in Middletown said the first summer of mobile meals has been a success… 

“‘We have been more than happy with the outcome of service this summer,’ said Jennifer Childers, operations manager for Sodexo School Services, which handles Middletown student food programs… 

“‘Most days we were reaching over 100 students per day and we have learned a lot that will help us to plan for next summer.’”

To read the full article, click here.