MVP: Middie Virtual Program News

Covid Update #4: Mask Requirement Extended

Posted on: January 25, 2022
mask requirement extended through feb 16

At the Jan. 24 Board of Education meeting, the board voted to extend the mask requirement. They will revisit the decision at the Feb. 14 meeting. 

In the survey sent to both parents and staff, 524 staff members responded (70.2% want mask requirement to be extended) and 1,206 parents responded (57.3% want mask requirement to be extended).

Mask requirement extended

  • We require ALL K-12 students, staff, and visitors to wear a face mask while inside our buildings.
  • At the Jan. 24 Board of Education meeting, the board voted to extend the mask requirement. They will revisit the decision at the Feb. 14 meeting.
  • We require ALL people on a school bus to wear a face mask.
  • We will continue to make masks available for any individual that requests one during the school day.

Quarantine updates

  • We will follow the new CDC quarantine guidelines and the updated ODH “Mask to Stay” and “Test to Play” guidelines.
In Spanish mask requirement extended through feb 16

Actualización de Covid #4: Requisito de mascara extendido

Posted on: January 25, 2022

En la reunión de la Junta de Educación del 24 de Enero, la junta votó para extender el requisito de máscara. Revisarán la decisión en la reunión del 14 de Febrero.

En la encuesta enviada tanto a los padres como al personal, respondieron 524 miembros del personal (el 70,2 % quiere que se extienda el requisito de máscara) y respondieron 1206 padres (el 57,3 % quiere que se extienda el requisito de máscara).