Highview 6th Grade Center News

Highview 6th Grade Update

Posted on: September 16, 2021
Highview M

Dear Highview Families:  

I’m writing to you this evening to let you know we were alerted to a threat of violence against Highview 6th Grade Center. Thanks to the “See Something, Say Something” initiative, our local law enforcement was able to quickly determine the threat was non-credible. 

We’ve been working with our School Resource Officer and all families involved in the threat. I want to assure my families that we take all threats seriously and we immediately started making inquiries. The Middletown Police Department has been working with parents and students to complete this investigation. Following the advice from local law enforcement, we consider the threat non-credible and school will occur tomorrow as normal. 

I encourage our parents to monitor their student’s social media accounts regularly.

Please know, the safety and security of our students and staff is our number one priority. A big thank you to everyone who helps keep our schools safe. As always, if you see something, say something. 



Nicole Fisher

Principal, Highview 6th Grade Center