Highview 6th Grade Center News

Back to School: Part 4

Posted on: July 26, 2021
Back to School Safety Protocols

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Back to School: Part 4

Safety Protocols

As the 2021-22 school year quickly approaches, we want to first thank you for your hard work last year. We know it was a year of challenges, but we’re proud of our community for rising up. We look forward to a successful full return to school this August! 

As you have most likely heard, this summer Governor DeWine and the Ohio Department of Health lifted all health orders and rescinded the state of emergency in Ohio. As of June 2, 2021, the expiring health orders have been rescinded for schools as well. We are aware that COVID-19 is still active in our community and we will continue to be mindful of the health and safety of each other in our school environments. We will continue to be responsible and respectful as we return to a sense of normalcy this school year.

At the Monday, July 26, 2021 Board of Education meeting, the Board discussed the Middletown City School District Back to School Safety Protocols. The three main topics include 'Cleaning Practices,' 'Contact Tracing,' and 'Masks'.

Scroll down to read the detailed protocols. To view the e-flyer sent to families, click here.

The following practices will continue within our school buildings next school year:

  • Frequent hand washing routines;
  • Hand sanitizing stations throughout each school building and inside our classrooms;
  • Thorough cleaning practices, including buses and cafeterias;
  • The use of hands-free water bottle filling stations;
  • Continuing to urge families to monitor their child’s health every day;
  • Stay home when sick. 

 When it comes to a positive COVID-19 case, the district will conduct contact tracing, which includes:

  • Exposure letters will be sent home to any exposed individual;
  • Quarantine letters will be sent home to high risk exposed individuals;
  • Students will be quarantined pending the degree of exposure based on contact tracing.
  • Each school will continue to have a designated quarantine area;
  • Students who become sick during the school day or arrive at school sick will be assessed by the school nurse. Pending symptoms, students may be required to quarantine.

 We have received questions and feedback about the use of masks in school buildings this fall:

  • The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) requires masks to be worn on school buses.
  • Individuals are permitted to wear masks in school buildings and at school-related events, but it is no longer a mandatory requirement. Masks are optional (except on the school bus);
    • We strongly recommend any unvaccinated individual to consider wearing a mask.
    • The district will continue to make masks available for any individual that requests one during the school day.
  • There may be periods of time where illnesses increase in our buildings, and in those cases we may issue recommendations for increased precautions, including the encouragement to wear masks.