
ESSER 3 Commitments

Instructional Resources

The district conducted a district wide needs assessment with staff to determine strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to ensure the most effective resources are provided to classroom instructors. In addition, a district wide Math audit is now several months into the process. With the input of the staff, the Curriculum & Innovation Department has identified a comprehensive list of areas for the district to enhance the instructional supplies, materials and resources. The plan would serve core and encore areas across the district. Projected costs for the plan total $4.6 million to serve the range of priority areas. Once the budget for the plan is established, the district would proceed with the collaborative process for adopting and selecting the high quality supplies, materials, and resources.

Learning Recovery & Extended Learning Plan

The distinct has created a comprehensive, whole child, Learning Recovery & Extended Learning plan to support the students. The plan extends the student supports and services beyond the current ESSER II areas, and requires the use of ESSER III funds to finance the new portions of the plan to support the whole child through Summer of 2024. Key areas of the plan focus on SEL, accelerating learning, extending instructional time, student supports, incentives, and resources. The projected costs for the plan is $6 million. Click here to view our Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan.

Community Based Youth Initiatives

The Coalition for a Healthy Middletown, is leading the charge to create a community based Leadership Coalition. A focus of the coalition would be to begin unifying community agencies to provide youth experiences to provide positive youth opportunities and strengthen the social and emotional state of our youth. MCSD has been invited to be part of the Leadership Coalition. It is recommended that $100,000 of ESSER III funds be allocated to provide financial support to youth based experiences generated by the Coalition for a Healthy Middletown’s Leadership Coalition.

Passport to Tomorrow K-12 Pathways

The MCSD strategic vision includes K-12 pathways for all students. As shared in the implementation timeline overview, the district will be implementing a series of pathways over the next few years.  The district is recommending $1 million of ESSER III funds be allocated to assist with the course offerings, programs, and resources necessary to offer the K-12 pathways for students.