
Choose Choice banner

Educational Opportunities for Middletown Families

Choice in MCSD begins when you decide to raise your children in our community. MCSD offers students and their families a range of school choices. We are committed to preparing all students; allowing them to dream today so they can rise tomorrow.

School Choice provides parents with the option to apply to an elementary school other than their assigned neighborhood school during an open application window. In Middletown City Schools, there are two elementary schools of choice: Central Academy and Rosa Parks Elementary. Both schools offer the core curriculum through a unique lens, including Project Based Learning (PBL) and Challenge Based Learning (CBL). 

When your student reaches the seventh grade, they can choose to go to the middle school and high school or they can choose to attend MVP: Middie Virtual Academy. Explore this option with your student's counselor. 

Here are just a few of the reasons families Choose Choice!

  • Neighborhood elementary schools
  • Full-Day kindergarten
  • Central Academy: Project Based Learning
  • Rosa Parks Elementary: Challenge Based Learning Institute
  • MVP: Middie Virtual Program (7-12)
  • Butler Tech
  • Orchestra (6-12)
  • Free breakfast and lunch (K-12)
  • School-Based Health Center (with transportation)
Central Academy Logo

Central Academy (Accepting Applications K-6)

PBL! Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. This authentic learning provides them real world opportunities to collaborate, work on critical thinking skills, and dive deeper into the meaning behind their learning. Students are also then able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience of their peers and teachers!

Student Empowerment! Building Relationships! Multiage Opportunities! Small School Environment! 

Rosa Parks Elem. Logo

Rosa Parks Elementary (Accepting applications K-3)

CBL! Challenge Based Learning is a framework that gives students opportunities to blend instructional grade-level standards with real-world challenges through learning how to ask thoughtful questions and then identify, investigate, and solve challenges.The approach helps students develop skills necessary to thrive in future years and in an ever-changing world through problem-solving and collaborating at the elementary level.

New spaces for all! All students will have opportunities to use a new Literacy Lab, Tech-based MakerSpace Lab, Outdoor Labs, & collaboration spaces throughout each grade level hallway. 

MVP: Middie Virtual Program Logo

MVP: Middie Virtual Program (Grades 7-12)

The Middie Virtual Program (MVP) is a personalized learning experience for students in grades 7-12. As part of the Middie Modernization Movement, the program will transform the current Midd State into MVP and offer opportunities for middle school students and greater flexibility for College Credit Plus (CCP). MVP High School will be located at the current Midd State building and the MVP Middle School will be located at Middletown Middle School.

Students and parents may select this option through the scheduling process at the Middle School and at the High School.

To learn more, click here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q:  How long is the enrollment period for the "Choice"?


Q:  Which schools fall under the “Choice” definition?


Q:  What is the process for enrollment?


Q:  If a student enrolls at Rosa Parks and they have completed their third-grade year, do they return to their neighborhood school for 4th and 5th grade?


Q:  Will transportation be provided?


Q:  When will parents know if their student has been accepted to either Central or Rosa Parks?


Additional Enrollment Options/ Applications 

Open Enrollment applications will be accepted during the month of April 2021. The Open Enrollment link on our district website will be active April 1-April 30. Current open enrolled students must re-apply each year. Open Enrollment applications will be acted upon by June 15.

Central Academy

Rosa Parks

Kindergarten Enrollment

Open Enrollment (K-12)

Open Enrollment (staff)

Special Permission

Board Policy on Interdistrict Transfer Students: Click here.