
MVP: Middie Virtual Program Logo

MVP: Middie Virtual Program

The Middie Virtual Program is a personalized learning experience for students in grades 7-12.  

Are you an MVP? Talk to your counselor today!

The Middie Virtual Program (MVP) is a hybrid model for Middletown students in grades 7-12. As part of the Middie Modernization Movement, the program will transform the current Midd State into MVP and offer opportunities for middle school students and greater flexibility for College Credit Plus (CCP).

MVP will utilize the Apex Learning system as the content provider supported by Middletown teachers, counselors, and administrators. MVP will offer students both the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule with the opportunity to get face to face support.

The 7-8 program is located on the MMS campus while the 9-12 program is located at the site of the former Midd State program. 


  • All students enrolled in the MVP program will have the opportunity to access face to face teacher support as well as virtual support for academic progress.
  • All MVP students must commit to no less than a semester. A parent meeting will be required to reschedule after the semester break.
  • All students will receive their content through Apex Learning, Schoology, (Suite 360 or Naviance for college and career).
  • Students are expected to complete study guides and assignments in all courses with the exception of credit recovery.
  • Average time expected is 5-6 hours daily to stay on track with courses schedule
  • Daily attendance is tracked through time on task through Apex
  • Absences must be reported either to MMS for 7-8 or MVP 9-12


Independence and Flexibility

  • Students are able to move at their own pace following teacher pacing guidance
  • Students are expected to advocate for their individualized learning needs, ask questions
  • Students will be expected to attend the beginning of the school year face to face class sessions.  Regular face to face help sessions will be scheduled to support student success.
  • Transportation will be available for hybrid sessions for MVP students:
  • MVP 7-8 Regular school bus-8:00-11:30
  • MVP 9-12 City Bus Passes available for students
  • Virtual Tutoring sessions will be available during after school hours, contact your teacher for evening tutoring hours.


Extracurricular Activities

  • Any student participating in athletics must maintain 5 solid courses and be in good academic standing.
  • All MVP students may participate in after school clubs and activities, all school rules apply.



  • Parents may receive progress reports from Apex, sign-up with your student’s teacher.
  • Follow MVP activities on
  • Schoology, OneCall, Remind, Twitter and Facebook
  • Grade reporting occurs at the semester, MVP students will not receive quarter grades
  • Conferences will be held following MMS and MHS conference schedules
  • MVP teachers will hold advisory meetings and regular student class meetings


Support Services

  • MVP students will have access to counseling services:
    •    School Counselor
    •    Counseling Source, Access Counseling
    •    Envision Partnerships
    •    Companions on a Journey
  • Social and Emotional lessons provided for all students through advisory
  • All MVP students have free access to the Primary Health Clinic located behind MHS high school.


How do I register my student(s)? ¿Cómo registro a mi estudiante?

Will MVP students be able to participate in extracurricular activities and athletics? ¿Podrán los estudiantes de MVP participar en actividades extracurriculares y atletismo?

Do students have to meet graduation requirements? ¿Los estudiantes tienen que cumplir con los requisitos de graduación?

What are the advantages of a flexible schedule? ¿Cuáles son las ventajas de un horario flexible?

How is MVP personalized and hybrid? ¿Cómo es MVP personalizado e híbrido?


 What are the characteristics of a student well suited for virtual learning? ¿Cuáles son las características de un alumno apto para el aprendizaje virtual?

Will the Middle School and High School schedule an orientation for the MVP students and parents? ¿La Middle School y la High School secundaria programarán una orientación para los estudiantes y padres de MVP?

How will course content be delivered? ¿Cómo se entregará el contenido del curso?


Does Apex offer advanced courses? ¿Apex ofrece cursos avanzados?


Does Apex offer credit recovery courses? ¿Apex ofrece cursos de recuperación de crédito?


If I enroll in MVP can I still take Middle School courses or High School courses like band and orchestra? Si me inscribo en MVP, ¿puedo seguir tomando cursos de High School o Middle School como banda y orquesta?

Will students be able to get content help when they have questions? ¿Podrán los estudiantes obtener ayuda con el contenido cuando tengan preguntas?

Will support services be available like Counseling, access to Health Care? ¿Habrá servicios de apoyo disponibles como consejería, acceso a la atención médica?


When I sign up, am I signing up for a quarter, a semester, or an entire school year? Cuando me inscribo, ¿me estoy inscribiendo por un trimestre, un semestre o un año escolar completo?