
Adult Education

The mission of the Middletown City Schools is to provide our culturally diverse students with highly-challenging and engaging school work, which assists them in gaining valued knowledge and skills. We will continue to operate the district in a fiscally responsible manner with a priority of student achievement.

About Our School

GED PREPARATION: – free classes available in Middletown, Oxford, and Butler Tech 3603 Hamilton-Middletown Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011 (No Charge)

TESTS: Prepare to take an LPN, ParaPro, or work-related entrance exams. (No charge)

BRUSH-UP: on English, Math, Science and Social Studies to pass the GED. Join a class in Middletown, Oxford and/or at Butler Technology Center. (No charge)

LEARN TO READ: or improve reading skills with a private tutor matched with any adult struggling to read. (No charge)

ESOL-ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES: Learn English, U.S. Citizenship, culture and everyday living U.S. style. Designed for those who speak other languages. Classes are located in Hamilton, West Chester, Fairfield, Oxford, and Middletown. (No charge)

PRACTICE GED TEST: Take the practice GED test. Pass the Practice Test and find out if you're ready to take the official test.

OFFICIAL GED TEST: Take the official GED test at our Testing Center at Manchester School. The test is administered the first Tuesday and Wednesday of every month in the morning. Evening tests are scheduled for the third Tuesday and Thursday. All day Saturday tests are also available. Additional sites are Workforce One in Fairfield, and Oxford. Official Test costs $40.

WORKFORCE CLASS: The workforce class at Atrium Medical Center touches every new Patient Care Assistant, assessing and assisting each person in basic skills, medical terminology and computer skills. A free Medical Terminology class is offered to meet a requirement for entrance to Butler Tech (no charge).


Need to finish high school?
The GED Tests are a nationally recognized measure of high school knowledge and skills. The tests give you another opportunity to earn a high school credential from your state.

Why take the GED Tests
The GED Tests can help you move on to the next level-college, technical training, or a better job. For more than 95 percent of U.S. employers, and colleges and universities, passing the GED Tests proves that you're ready to meet the challenge. If you have children or grandchildren, you may want to take the GED Tests to encourage them to pursue their education. Or you may want to take the GED Tests just to feel good about reaching a goal you set for yourself.

What you need to know
There are many resources available to help you study for the GED Tests. The tests cover reading, writing, social studies, science, and mathematics. The tests also measure communication, information-processing, problemsolving, and critical-thinking skills.

Are you ready to take the GED Tests?
You can take the Official GED Practice Tests to find out if you can pass the real GED Tests. If you need additional instruction, you can enroll in instructional programs in your community or pick up GED study books in your local library or bookstore.

Where to take the GED Tests
Middletown City Schools' Adult Education offers several locations to take the GED Test. For the most up-to-date schedule and locations, call (513) 894-0301 or check the School Secretary section of this site.

Middletown City Schools' Adult Education can also tell you:

  • Whether you can take the GED Tests
  • Where to find the Official GED Practice Tests
  • Where to find a GED instructional program
  • How much it costs to take the tests
  • When the tests are given
  • Anything else you need to know

GED Diploma: Proof of achievement

A national measure
The General Educational Development (GED) Tests are a nationally recognized assessment that gives people from all walks of life an opportunity to certify their high school education. The high school credential earned by passing the GED Tests is accepted by more than 95% of U.S. employers, colleges and universities.

The GED Tests also provide a uniform measure of high school achievement. The score means the same from Maine to California. And the 2002 edition reflects current high school curriculum standards and includes content related to the workplace and community.

The investment
The GED Tests cover the academic knowledge and skills learned in four years of high school: reading, writing, social studies, science and mathematics. By passing the 7 1/2 hours of tests, GED diploma holders demonstrate the skills of communication, information processing, problem solving and critical thinking.

The Fact Is: Four out of 10 high school graduates could not pass the GED Tests.

The return
Passing the GED Tests can mean big benefits-for the individual, for business and for society. For many GED diploma holders, these tests are a first step toward better jobs, further training or higher education. Two of every three people who take the GED Tests plan to obtain additional education. In college, GED diploma holders perform as well as traditional high school diploma holders.

GED diploma holders also are more likely to encourage their children to finish school. And many GED diploma holders say earning the credential helped to improve their self-image. The Fact Is: The GED Tests measure many of the U.S. Labor Department's necessary workplace skills that are valued by employers.

The bottom line
GED diploma holders are a proven asset to their families, business and society. Encourage adults who haven't earned a high school diploma to take the GED Tests and go on to the next level in life. Support GED instruction and testing in your community and the workplace. Put the GED Tests to work for you.

Assistance for people with disabilities

What's available
If you believe you may have a disability that could keep you from taking the GED Tests in the way they are usually given, you might be entitled to receive reasonable testing accommodations.

Accommodations are available for people with:

  • Physical disabilities (such as blindness, low vision, deafness, impaired hearing, mobility-impairments)
  • Learning disabilities (such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, receptive aphasia, written language disorder)
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Psychological disabilities (such as bipolar disorder, Tourette's syndrome)

Accommodations may include:

  • Audiocassette edition (with large-print reference copy)
  • Braille or large-print editions
  • Vision-enhancing technologies
  • Use of video equipment
  • Use of a talking calculator or abacus
  • Sign-language interpreter/use of a scribe
  • Extended time/supervised extra breaks
  • Use of a private room
  • One-on-one testing at a health facility or your home
  • Other reasonable accommodations as warranted, based on individual need

How to get assistance

If you have a disability, documented by a qualified professional, ask your local GED Testing Center for one of these forms:

  • Learning Disabilities and/or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Form L-15)
  • Physical Disabilities and Emotional or Psychological Disabilities (Form SA-001)

The GED Testing Center will tell you what you need to do to complete the form. Return the completed form to the same Center. Each request is considered on an individual basis. If the accommodations are approved, your local GED Examiner will arrange to conduct the testing with the approved changes. The accommodations won't cost extra.

If you think you have a disability, but you don't have documentation, first contact your state's Vocational Rehabilitation Office. The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC), at 1-800-346-2742, also may be able to help.