Daily Announcements

Announcements for September 21

Posted on: September 21, 2018


Attention current Sophomore, Junior and Senior Girls.  There is an opening in show choir for one girl.  Auditions for this spot will be held Wed. Sept. 26th starting at 2:30pm in the choir room.  A sign up sheet will be posted outside the choir room. Current Freshman are not eligible to audition.  All interested girls should report to the choir room at 2:30 and be prepared to sing a verse of a song of your choice.  You will be taught a short dance.  There will be no individual times.  All interested girls should report at 2:30pm to the choir room Wed. Sept. 26th.


Junior and Senior Middies. Please make sure you sign up for the Remind App from the Guidance Office. That is the best way to know about anything related to colleges, scholarships, or future planning. Directions can be found in the guidance office. 


Mrs. Fugate is starting a creative writing club at MHS, so if you are a word master, a metaphor makin' wiz, a poetry slammer, or just someone wanting to improve his or her writing skills, this is the club for you!  CW Club will have its first meeting next Thursday, September 27th in Mrs. Fugate's room 275.  Please stop by before to sign up!   


Have you always thought about being an actor? Your chance is here! Anyone interested in being involved in the Fall Play, audition material is on the counter in the Media Center. Auditions are tomorrow after school in the auditorium. Sign up now!!


Are you a person who likes talking about topics like the meaning of life, the existence of God, or the best form of government? Then you might be interested in joining Philosophy Club. Philosophy Club meets on Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:30 in room 274. The first meeting for this year is Thursday, October 4th. That's Thursday, October 4th, 2:30-3:30 in room 274. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Amrein. Hope to see you!


Freshman interested in becoming a Middie Mentee in the 2018-2019 Middie Mentor program should pick up an application in Ms. Turner's room, room 236, Mrs. Lawson's room, room 232, or with Ms. Daniels in the Future Center. Applications should be returned by Friday, Sept. 28th by 2:15 PM. 


Homecoming Guest forms must be returned to the office by MONDAY.


 Spirit week has arrived!  Monday will be character day or vine day!