Daily Announcements

Announcements for November 19 & 20

Posted on: November 22, 2018

The wrestling team is looking for student managers and statisticians for this season. Anyone interested please stop and get information from Coach Maffey in room 255. We offer a flexible time schedule, community service hours as well as being part of a winning team.

Senior T-shirt orders: come see Mr. Thomas in room 133 for a senior T-shirt order form. All seniors need to see Mr. Thomas to sign the back of the T-shirt. Order forms are due December 5 so we can have them before Christmas break


Purple Pit Student pass is now ONLY $30.00 for the rest of the 2018-19 School Year!!! Get your official Purple Reign Student shirt and pass now before the winter sports season begin. To purchase a pass, stop by the athletic department in the arena or go online to the athletic website www.middletownathletics.com, or follow us on social media.

Amanda Elementary is looking for 6-8 student volunteers to run stations at Robots, Robots, Robots PAC night on November 29, 2018, from 5:00 to 7:30. The students would be helping Amanda students show their parents how they code Ozobots, Blue Bots, use Quiver (AR app), create cardboard robotic arms and take photos of students at a photo booth. Any students interested could email at pbrubaker@middletowncityschools or leave a voicemail message at 420-4542 ext 3553.

Game Club will meet in the Media Center Space Monday afternoon.


There will be a brief National Honor Society meeting for all new members on Monday, November 26th at 2:30 in room 249.   

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