Daily Announcements

Announcements for January 9

Posted on: January 9, 2019

Midpointe Public library will be collecting their books today. Please return your materials to Ms. Heintzman in our library by then.


Hey Seniors! The Middletown Community Foundation Scholarships are now open. Please apply online ASAP. Deadline is recommended for February 1st. So do not delay. 


Are you a senior interested in business? Then apply to the P&G summer internship listed on the schools website for student employment. Deadline is January 28th.



Interested in playing Softball this year Please plan on attending the Softball parent meeting tonight @ 6:45 in the community room.

Next week MHS will be having a Week of Awareness.  Monday wear blue for Mental Health, Tuesday black for physical health, Wednesday red for Drug and Substance abuse, Thursday yellow for Relationship Health, and Friday wear purple for future health. There will also be groups and resources pertaining to each of these issues during lunch each day. For more information visit the Future Center!


The Future Center After School Program is back with the new year! There are fun activities after school Monday thru Thursday as well as study tables, credit recovery, and homework assistance! Stop in to the Future Center during lunch for more info


We would like to invite everyone out for the 1st ever Crosstown Shootout today at Eastern Lanes against Middletown Christian. The battle will start at 3:45, so please come out and root on your Middies to victory! Should be a great match! See you there!


Seniors – Yearbook pictures deadline is Friday, January 18th. Send to Middieyearbook@gmail.com.  For more information check schoology MAP page.