Daily Announcements

Announcements for January 17

Posted on: January 17, 2020

Middletown Schools PTO Scholarship Applications are now available in the guidance office.  Students must have a minimum 2.55 GPA & plan to attend a post-secondary educational institution.  Submission deadline is Feb. 29th @ 2:15 p.m. 



Senior cap and gown orders will be placed next Thursday and Friday during lunch in the Media Center. Additional packets may be picked up in the main office.




Senior portraits are due January 30th and should be submitted to the yearbook email: middletownyearook@gmail.com. You should also submit your senior quote through Schoology if you have not already done so. Guidelines for pictures are located on Schoology. If you have any questions ask a yearbook member or Mrs. Lawson. 



Anyone interested in playing boys varsity volleyball this Spring needs to see Coach Butler in room 256 for the open gym schedule