Daily Announcements

Announcements for January 11

Posted on: January 11, 2019

Next week MHS will be having a Week of Awareness.  Monday wear blue for Mental Health, Tuesday black for physical health, Wednesday red for Drug and Substance abuse, Thursday yellow for Relationship Health, and Friday wear purple for future health. There will also be groups and resources pertaining to each of these issues during lunch each day. For more information visit the Future Center!



Seniors – Yearbook pictures deadline is Friday, January 18th

Send to Middieyearbook@gmail.com.  For more information check schoology MAP page.


Students here some important upcoming dates:

College Credit Plus meeting for next school year is January 24 @6pm in community room

Report Cards for semester 1 are on Progress Book as ofJanuary 25

Course Registration for next school year is January 28-30 through MAP and English class

BT application deadline for next year is January 31 on their website

Senior Parent Guide is on the high school website for parents


Seniors pick up your senior shirts in Mr Thomas's room 133 asap


Tomorrow the Middletown swim team has a home meet at the downtown YMCA. Our team has worked hard this season to refine strokes and drop time.  We want to send a special shout out to our senior, Sadie Eury, and highest point earners Monique Reed, Meghan Neely, Amanda Campbell, Mae Heller, and Austin Faries. Come out to the Y Saturday afternoon at 1:30 to see our Middies swim against Bishop Fenwick in our last home meet of the season