Daily Announcements

Announcements for February 22

Posted on: February 22, 2019



Middie Seniors! New scholarships are now posted on the high school website under Guidance. This includes the Cincinnati Foundation, Dayton Foundation, and the Ginter Memorial Scholarship. Please apply early. Deadlines do vary. 


Want to save a life? Donate blood on Thursday March 7th.  Sign up during your lunch or see Mrs. Bowles in room 249 between classes. 


Auditions for the select concert choir, Acappella, are taking place Tuesday Feb.26th immediately after school.  Sign up times are posted for each day on the choir room door, room 112.  You may choose a song of your choice and you may sing with up to 4 people. There is no dance audition for this group. Acappella is a class and meets during the school day. There are no after school rehearsals   Questions? See Mrs. Minge


Black History FACT: W.E.B. Du Bois became the first African American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard. He is perhaps best known for his work in founding the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP) in 1909 and helping it to become the country's single most influential organization for African Americans.



TRIVIA QUESTION: What were the 2 reasons February was chosen as the month to celebrate Black History?


If you think you know the answer today during your lunch report to the media center a fill out a slip with your name and grade along with the correct answer and you will win a prize. There will be a prize awarded at the end of each lunch for those who submit the correct answer.