Daily Announcements

Announcements for 9/6/19

Posted on: September 6, 2019

Join our great NEW Business Club where ALL STUDENTS ARE WELCOME!!!!   If you are interested join DECA with Ms. Jones, in Room 157 on Monday from 2:30 - 3:30 pm.  


Interested in auditioning for the fall play, please see Ms. Heintzman in the Media Center. Auditions today after school in the auditorium.



Do you have an interest in state or world affairs?  Do you like to prove an argument?  Do you like to perform or act?   Join the Speech & Debate Team Monday after school in Room 109 (behind stage)



Lady Middies of Excellence will meet today @ 2:30 in Ms. Wandsnider’s Room (73 in the lower level). See you there! 



Do you want to play baseball this spring for the Middies? There will be a short meeting to sign up and get off-season information this Friday during the first 5 minutes of the pep rally.  Report to Coach Mercer's room 257 before going to the Arena for the pep rally