Daily Announcements

Announcements for 8/23/19

Posted on: August 23, 2019



If you are interested in running for class forms are due today. Voting will occur Wednesday during MAP.


If you want to represent your country, heritage, or you want to explore other countries and cultures join the International club. We visit a country every month. Our officers will be elected on our first meeting on Monday. Follow us on twitter@ MiddieWorldWide.



There will be a short meeting for any boys interested in playing basketball for the Middies this year Tuesday, August 27 right after school in the cafeteria.



The first Thespian Troupe and Drama Club meeting of the year will be Wednesday, Aug. 28 inside the Media Center. Anyone wanting to be involved as crew or on stage is invited to attend.


The RPG Club will have its first meeting Wednesday, August 28th at 2:30-4:00 in room 252.

Hello French students, this year we will celebrate fun french events in our new French club, come Wednesday to room 172 @2:30