Daily Announcements

Announcements for 5/22/19

Posted on: May 22, 2019

Junior interested in getting community service hours there is an opportunity for the 4th of July fireworks cleanup and assist. Please see Officer Agee


Senior Picnic is on Friday the 31st at noon at Jacot Park. There is a $5 dollar deposit due to Mr. Thomas tomorrow. Please stop by Mr. Thomas's room 133 to sign up and give your deposit. 


Any student interested in trying out for cheerleading, your paperwork is due to Ms. Wandsnider by Friday at 3:00pm. You MUST have a physical and completed your final forms by the first day of tryouts. Any questions, see Ms. Wandsnider in room 73"


The final student government meeting will be held tomorrow immediately after school in the balcony of the theater. 


The future center is hosting an informational hiring session with Quaker Chemical tomorrow. If you would like to know what they do and what it takes to work there, see Miss. Kristen in the Future Center in Guidance to sign up.  Seniors who are looking for work are highly encouraged to attend as they do have positions available.


Attention Boys Soccer players, interested in playing next year needs to stop by the athletic office to pick up an informational packet.  


Middie Mentor Applications are now available for next school year and are due next week. You can learn more and pick up a Middie Mentors application in the Guidance Office Future Center or at lunch tomorrow. Join the fun and make new connections.


Congratulations to the 2019 - 2020 National Honor Society Officers

Treasurer - Silas Stephens

Secretary - Selin Misirlioglu

Vice President - Maddie Chupka

President - Tyler Claudio



Seniors graduation cap decorations need to lay flat on the cap, no 3-D decorations.