Daily Announcements

Announcements for 5/17/19

Posted on: May 17, 2019

Any junior interested in getting community service hours for the 4th of July fireworks cleanup and assist.  Please see Officer Agee


There will be a trivia game on during lunch A and B today to get tickets to the talent show! Come to the library counter to see what you can do! For C lunch students, please have your study hall teachers contact MsHeintzman and we will work it out. 


Senior Picnic is on Friday the 31st at noon at Jacot Park. There is a $5 dollar deposit due to Mr. Thomas by Thursday May 23rd. Please stop by Mr. Thomas's room 133 to sign up and give your deposit. 


Any student interested in trying out for cheerleading, your paperwork is due to Ms. Wandsnider by next Friday (May 24th) at 3:00pm. You MUST have a physical and completed your final forms by the first day of tryouts. Any questions, see Ms. Wandsnider in room 73"


There will be a final student government meeting next Thurs. May23rd immediately after school in the balcony of the theater.  The purpose of the meeting will be to elect next years student government officers.  


Any senior who is interested in playing in the student / faculty basketball game next Friday needs to sign up on the sheet in the main office.  Students must sign up by the end of the day next Monday.  The team will be announced on Tuesday!


Seniors wishing to pick up scholarship check or pay fees may do so main office between 9am and 2pm.



Attention Boys Soccer players, anyone interested in playing next year needs to stop by the athletic office to pick up an informational packet.  


Starting today, there will be a get well banner, for all to sign, outside of Mrs. Daniels room, 271 in the English wing, for cross-country state champ, Conant Smith. He is recovering from a lengthy illness, but it still stinks to miss out on the end of your senior year. So he could use some cheeering up from his Middie family.  There will also be postcards and markers on the tables if anyone wants to send him a more personal note of encouragement and well wishes. These will be collect by Tues or Wed of next week and delivered to Conant.

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