Daily Announcements

Announcements for 5/15/19

Posted on: May 15, 2019


Students who took the ASVAB in March should report on Thursday to the Community Room promptly at 8 AM. Teachers should refer to the list emailed earlier this week.


Attention Girls Basketball players, today there will be a parent meeting 6:00pm at the High School Cafeteria. We will be introducing our new varsity basketball coach and go over the summer workout and training program. Please plan on attending


Seniors: Senior Picnic is on Friday the 31st at noon at Jacot Park. There is a $5 dollar deposit due to Mr. Thomas by Thursday May 23rd. Please stop by Mr. Thomas's room 133 to sign up and give your deposit. 



Did you know that Collin Cawthon and Hope Combs are talented guitar players? And that Alexis Pernell and Leelah McGuire can channel Beyonce'? This Saturday night you can see their talents and much more at the Middies Got Talent show. Pre-sale tickets now available at the library counter for $4. Senior citizens and kids under 6 are free.


"Reminder for any student interested in trying out for cheerleading, your paperwork is due to Ms. Wandsnider by next Friday (May 24th) at 3:00pm. You MUST have a physical and completed your final forms by the first day of tryouts. Any questions, see Ms. Wandsnider in room 73"


Interested in a summer internship stop by the future center for application. Must be 16 or older to apply