Daily Announcements

Announcements for 4/22/21

Posted on: April 22, 2021

Prom Tickets go on sale Monday during lunch for Juniors and Seniors only. The tickets are $25 cash only and include a T-shirt, first come first serve on sizes. 

Tickets will be on sale for Butler Tech and Virtual students before school in the main office from 6:45-7am April 26th-30th. 

No tickets will be sold after lunch on the 30th so please buy your tickets early.

You must bring your ticket and a picture ID to get into Prom.  You must arrive and enter the building before 9:30 pm



Seniors – The principals choice speeches for graduation is due by next Friday to Mrs. Adkins.



Students interested in joining the MHS Color Guard for this coming fall should come to the clinic this Thursday night from 6-9pm in the middle school gym. If you were unable to come to the first one, it is not too late. We'd love to see you at Thursday's clinic


 Attention prom court:  there will be a brief, but important meeting, for all prom court participants in the choir room immediately after school Friday April 23rd.  Please plan to attend.  Also, please check your email for important info.


Students interested in learning more about the extra-curricular activities we have at MHS, please join us for our "Activity Fair PAC Night" on Thursday April 29th from 6:30- 7:30 in Wade E Miller arena. You can hear from students and advisors involved for the clubs and sports MHS has to offer and get information about how to get involved. You can pre-register by clicking on the link in the flier that is posted in your MAP Schoology Course