Daily Announcements

Announcements for 4/10/19

Posted on: April 10, 2019

Completed Prom guest applications and a copy of guest ID is due by next Thursday

Seniors check schoololgy to find information on Prom about voting for senior court.


2019-2020 show choir members -   There will be a mandatory meeting for all new members to show choir for next school year today immediately after school in the choir room.  The meeting will only last about 15 minutes.  Please make arrangements to attend.


Are you a student-athlete looking to make a difference in your community? If so, apply to join the Student Athlete Leadership Team (S.A.L.T).   Applications can be found on social media and hard copies are in the athletic office. Applications are due Friday, May 3rd.


Middie Mentors are invited to attend Saturday's training. If you haven't RSVP'd with Miss. Kristen do so today. 


Spring break is coming up, but first we need to finish strong with end of course testing. Next Monday, April 15th will be a Going on Spring Break theme day, so wear your hawaiian shirts and sunnies. Thursday will be our purple day to celebrate the last day of school before break. We’re almost done!