Daily Announcements

Announcements for 3/26/21

Posted on: March 26, 2021

Junior...the deadline for ordering class shirts is today.

Senior pictures are due today.



Show choir auditions for the 2021-2022 school year will be Monday and Tuesday.  Vocal auditions are Monday.  Choose a time after school, that works for you. You may sing any appropriate song you'd like.  Tuesday is dance auditions.  Everyone auditioning for show choir should report to the choir room 112 by 2:30 and you will be taught a series of dance steps.  Sign ups are outside the choir room. Questions?  See Mrs. Minge or a current show choir member.



Students wanting to participate in the Middie Mentors program must return their application form to the Rise Office in the cafeteria by Tuesday March 30. Please see Ms. Anisha or Mr. Will for any questions or concerns"



The Rise After School Program will be starting back up their dance team Purple Essence beginning the week of March 29th. Students who participated last year or would like to join should pick up a form in the Rise Office in the Cafeteria.