Daily Announcements

Announcements for 3/24/21

Posted on: March 24, 2021

Senior pictures are due by this Thursday - No exceptions. If you have any questions email or see Mrs. Lawson in room 232



Middie Mentors are back! Students interested in joining should pick up an application in the Rise office in the Cafeteria. Activities include peer to peer mentoring, Elementary pen pals, Guys and Girls group mentoring, Business Internship Opportunities (paid & unpaid), as well as community based mentoring. All mentoring activities also qualify as volunteer hours. Better yourself, better your school, better your community, be a Middie Mentor!



Junior class...the deadline for ordering class shirts has been extended through Friday.  Pictures of the shirts are on the TV's throughout the building.  Order forms are available from Mrs. Minge or a class officer. 



Show choir auditions for the 2021-2022 school year will be next Monday and Tuesday.  Vocal auditions are Monday.  Choose a time after school, that works for you. You may sing any appropriate song you'd like.  Tuesday March 30th is dance auditions.  Everyone auditioning for show choir should report to the choir room 112 by 2:30 and you will be taught a series of dance steps.  Sign ups are outside the choir room. Questions?  See Mrs. Minge or a current show choir member.


Congratulations to the MHS show choir.  They participated in their first ever, virtual competition this past weekend.  The show choir finished 5 in division 1 and 6th overall.  In addition, they won "best show design".



Any student interested in cheerleading tryouts for football season that missed the informational meeting on Monday, please visit Ms. Wandsnider in room 73 before school, after school, or in between classes



Hey Middies Seniors! Today is MUM application day. Please come down during MAP and a Miami University advisor will be able to assist you with your application. You will also then be qualified for MUM scholarships! So see you then!