Daily Announcements

Announcements for 2/8/21

Posted on: February 8, 2021

Auditions for the 2021-2022 Middletown High School show choir will be Mon Feb.22, Tues. Feb 23rd for those students last names A-L and Wed. Feb.24 and Thurs. Feb. 25 for students last names M-Z.   Students will sign up for a vocal audition either Mon.Feb. 22nd or Wed. Feb.24th depending on your day of attendance.  Times are immediately after school and the sign up sheet is outside the choir room 112.  All students will report the second day for the dance audition.  Those dates are either Tues. Feb. 23rd or Thurs. Feb. 25th depending on your day of attendance.  The day of the dance audition all students will report to the choir room at 2:30.  The show choir dance captain will teach students the dance steps with the help of current show choir members.  Questions?  See Mrs. Minge