Daily Announcements

Announcements for 2/27/19

Posted on: February 27, 2019

Congratulations to Tazh Davis. She was named outstanding performer at voices in the Grove show choir competition this past weekend. 


Tonight is the Flex Credit meeting at 6pm in the Community Room.  Flex Credit is where you have the opportunity to earn credit for educational experiences not covered in the traditional high school curriculum and must be submitted to your counselor by April 1 during the year prior to participation.



Tryouts for boys volleyball will be this Thursday and Friday at 2:30 in the Arena.  Tryouts are mandatory, any questions see Coach Butler in room 256


There is a SuperSAC meeting tomorrow 10:30am in the community room



There will be an interest meeting for student athletic training aides on Friday, March 15th at 2:30pm in the training room which is located in the basement between the arena and art hallway.