Daily Announcements

Announcements for 12/2/19

Posted on: December 2, 2019

Class of 2023 if you ordered a hoodie or a shirt stop by Mr. Thomas’s room today room 133 and pick it up. 


Seniors: If you missed out on ordering a senior panoramic photo and you want to order one they are 20.00 and all money will be due to Mrs. Lawson in room 232 by this Thursday.


Any student taking CCP next semester must have their college schedule turned in to their high school counselor by this Friday or you will be placed in Study Halls for next semester.


Sophomores interested in visiting programs at the Warren County Career Center, should attend their Open House on tomorrow from 5-7pm.  Since we do not have a field trip to this school as we do Butler Teach, information about applying is available in the Guidance Office.



Sophomores wanting to apply to Butler Tech or the Warren County Career Center next school year should pick up an information paper from their English teacher or the Guidance Office this week.


FAFSA Night is tonight at 6:00 PM inside the media center.