Daily Announcements

Announcements for 12/13

Posted on: December 13, 2018

Announcements – 12/13/18


The Good Game Club will meet until 4 on Monday and will not be meeting on Friday 12/14


Sophomores wishing to apply to Butler Tech for the 2019-20 school year must go to the Butler Tech website "www.butlertech.org" and click on Apply Now at the top to get started.  The application deadline is January 31 but please don't wait until the last day.  See your guidance counselor if you have a question.


The Boys Varsity Bowling team beat Hamilton by 193 pins yesterday. James Prater bowled a 225 & 235, Austin Smith threw a 186 & 251, Matthew Minor rolled a 244, and Jacob Cowgill a 181!


The Girls Varsity Bowling team lost their match to Hamilton. Emily Cupp shot 2 great games of 212 & 189, and Toni Mullins bowled a 146.


The Boys JV team also won by 104 pins. Dylan Wood bowled a 158 & 191. Luke Lawson threw a 167 & 156. Great job everyone!