Daily Announcements

Announcements for 11/9/21

Posted on: November 9, 2021

Jeopardy, MasterMinds, The Chase, Common Knowledge.... Do these shows interest you? If you are interested in participating in Academic Quiz Team you need to attend our first practice today at 2:30 in Room 246.

Do you crave the spotlight?  Is dressing in costumes and playing a different person more than just Halloween to you?  Don't save that Drama for your Mama - come to Drama Club. The first meeting is today after school in room 131.   We will be planning for a school show early next year!


Key Club is cancelled for today


Seniors – Don’t forget to check schoology and fill out your senior quote for this year, they are due Friday!


During this season of giving, Middletown City School District is hosting a SOCK DRIVE for Shoes 4 the Shoeless. Please consider donating BRAND NEW, non-name brand socks.  A drop off box is located in the Class Office.


Your Hope Squad is inviting you to join us in donating change to "Funds for Fosters" as a way to participate in community outreach.  We have adopted a 16 year old local student for the holidays, and the organization has provided us with a Christmas list for this student.  It is our hope that we raise enough money to purchase some Christmas gifts for this student who lives in foster care.  We want to provide some hope this holiday season for a student in need.

We hope to make this a fun competition.  Each 2nd period class will receive a box in order to collect as much change as possible starting tomorrow.  The competition will run through Tuesday, November 23--the last day before Thanksgiving Break.  Your Hope Squad will deliver DONUTS to the 2nd period class that raises the most money.  Your Hope Squad members will then take the money to go shopping for items on the student's list.  We hope you agree that it is important to give back to others.


Good luck to each 2nd period class!



Middletown's first round of esport playoffs is upon us. Today at 4:00 Middletown's Overwatch team is competing for the club level state title. The match will be broadcasted live, follow @MiddieEsports on twitter for updates.


Students that are driving to school – remember you must have a parking pass and park in your assigned spot only.  Parking applications can be picked up in the main office.