Daily Announcements

Announcements for 11/8/21

Posted on: November 8, 2021

Jeopardy! MasterMinds, The Chase, Common Knowledge.... Do these type of shows interest you? If you are interested in participating in Academic Quiz Team you need to attend our first practice on Tuesday, November 9th at 2:30 in Room 246. If you have questions please see Mrs. Mullins in Room 246.


Do you crave the spotlight?  Is dressing in costumes and playing a different person more than just Halloween to you?  Don't save that Drama for your Mama - come to Drama Club.  Our introductory meeting will be after school on Tuesday, November 9 in room 131.  If you have any questions, See Mrs. Krynock in room 131.  We will be planning for a school show early next year!


Seniors – Don’t forget to check schoology and fill out your senior quote for this year, they are due Friday!