Daily Announcements

Announcements for 10/3/19

Posted on: October 3, 2019

Homecoming tickets are on sale today and tomorrow during lunch times only. Tickets will only be sold until 12:40 on Friday, no exceptions! And A few reminders about Homecoming…you must attend at least the last 4 period of the day on Friday to attend The Homecoming Dance. Also you must arrive and enter the Dance before 9pm, again the doors will close and no one will be allowed to enter after 9pm.


Today is the last day to sign up for the fall blood drive.  See Mr. Geier at lunch for details and sign up forms.


There will be a student government meeting today immediately after school in Mrs. Minge's room--Room 112.


All students attending the Manufacturing Field Trips tomorrow must turn their permission forms in to Miss Turner in room 236 by the end of the day today


Reminder to teachers for the LatinX field trip to NKU today.  A list of students attending was sent to you this morning. If you have students on the list please send the students to the main school doors, by the office, at 7:40 AM.  Thank you


Once again our district is partnering with Lakota and Hamilton for the “Stuff the Bus” supplies drive during the month of October. Bring non-perishable food, personal hygiene and baby care items to the box in the main office to support our local community relief organizations!


Keep America Beautiful is sponsoring the Great Miami River Clean Up and looking for volunteers for Saturday, October 26th. For sign up or more information check out the TV screens