Daily Announcements

Announcements for 1/28/20

Posted on: January 28, 2020

Hey seniors! It is that time of year! If you have been accepted to any colleges and you have your acceptance letters, bring them to the Guidance Office for Ms. Wilson. You will then qualify for a raffle and win some prizes.  


Open Gym for boys volleyball is today after school in the Arena.


All students in grades 9-11 will be scheduling their classes for next school year today through Feb 18.  If students are interested in CCP next school year, they must attend the meeting on Jan 30 at 6pm in the Community Room.


Sophomores the last day to apply to Butler Tech for next school year is this Friday.


Seniors!!!!!  If you received a senior superlative letter your photoshoot is January 29th this is the first shoot so if you didn't receive one that means your shoot is a different day. We will call you anywhere from 1st period to map. Please follow the note that was written on the letter. Any questions see Bryan Mills, Stephanie Leon or Mrs. Lawson



Senior Portraits are due this Friday January 31st please check Schoology for guidelines any questions see Mrs. Lawson



Middletown Schools PTO Scholarship Applications are available in the guidance office and posted in Naviance.  Students must have a minimum 2.55 GPA & plan to attend a post-secondary educational institution.  Submission deadline is Wednesday @ 2:15 p.m. 


Attention Philosophy Club members. Club pictures for the yearbook will be taken Thursday, February 7th during our club meeting. Please wear your club t-shirt or hoodie. If you want to be in the yearbook for Philosophy Club this year, be sure you come to the club meeting on February 7th


Students interested in working on the tech. crews for the musical “The Addams Family” should sign up on one of the sheets posted outside the choir room or in the media center.  Positions are available for students interested in construction, painting, lighting, sound, and run crew.






Attention all students during Wednesday’s MAP:

If you have NOT received a disciplinary referral during first semester, then you will receive a certificate for demonstrating PRIDE - Performance, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Effort in all of your positive and professional actions! Any student with a certificate will receive a cookie during your lunch that same day!  Just bring your certificate to the Cookie Table during your lunch.  Great job, and keep up the good work!