Creekview Elementary News

Get to Know Our Elementary Counselors: Part 5

Posted on: November 9, 2021
Becky Milton

Name: Becky Milton

School building/Grade: Mayfield Elementary

Subject Area: School Counselor

College(s): Bachelors in Secondary Education Bowling Green State University, Masters Degree/Counseling  University of Dayton

Hometown: Whitehall, Ohio

Tell us a little about yourself and your family:  

I am thrilled to be married to my husband, Luke Milton for 23 years.  We have 4 children; Samuel, Callie, David & Annie.  Samuel is 22 and just moved to Detroit for management training with the Thunderdome Restaurant Group, Callie is 20 and a senior at the University of Louisville majoring in Dental Hygiene, David is 18, he is working as a carpenter for Southern Ohio Carpentry, and Annie just turned 13 and is a 7th grader at Lebanon Jr. High.  We also have 3 chocolate labs who keep us in close relationship with our vet.


Why did you become an educator/school counselor?

I grew up with a family of educators and moving in that direction seemed very natural.  I loved being a classroom teacher but I felt like continuing my education by earning my Masters Degree to be a school counselor was a great idea for my future.  I now love being able to work with students across many age groups.  It is satisfying to be able to be an encouraging and supportive adult for the students in my building.


What do you like best about Middletown City Schools?

I love working with such a diverse group of students and families.  I enjoy being in classrooms where students with different backgrounds learn together and enjoy growing up together.  It is a joy to see the supportive community in Middletown City Schools.


What is your favorite Middletown/your school tradition? Why?

Mayfield Elementary School is an extraordinary place to be.  Everyone; the cafeteria workers, custodial staff, para professionals, teachers and front office all enjoy their work.  They love to make a positive impact on the students here in the building.  The students enjoy being at school each day!  I really enjoy all of the daily “Shout outs” and birthday celebrations for all students and staff.  If you are at Mayfield, you know you are important!!


If you weren’t a counselor, what would you be doing?

Working to reclaim and make the woods near my house healthy.

Becky Milton's four children on a beach

Mrs. Milton's children

And for some fun questions!

What do you like to do in your spare time?  What are some of your hobbies?

Currently I am enjoying helping my husband build a new barn in our spare time.  My hobbies include singing, watching my youngest daughter play volleyball, trying to stay connected to my older children and spending time with friends.


What’s your favorite Middletown restaurant?

Java Johnny’s - great sandwiches and the cookies are amazing!!!


Favorite quote or personal motto:

Finally, friends, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things..  Philippians 4:8


Anything else you’d like to share?

I love being a Middie and am looking forward to serving our students for many years to come!! I love to share with students …..”You CAN do hard things!!”