Central Academy News

Blog Entries - December 2018

Folgoso Family

Henry Folgoso and Dani Ortega: Attaining the American Dream Together

Posted on: December 27, 2018

At the beginning of the month we read the Journal-News article written by Staff Writer Michael D. Clark about Middletown City School District’s (MCSD) own Henry Folgoso’s journey to attaining the American Dream. But the excitement does not

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Central Academy

Keeping You in the Know: Central Academy Building Project Update

Posted on: December 21, 2018

This spring, Middletown City School District (MCSD) will start building an addition onto Central Academy, currently a K-6 non-graded elementary. In the fall, the MCSD Board of Education (BOE) passed a resolution for the project that cites Central Academy as

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Henry Folgoso

ICYMI Middletown teacher gains citizenship

Posted on: December 13, 2018

At Middletown Schools, we believe when we work together, we all rise. Congratulations to Mr. Henry Folgoso and Ms. Dani Ortega (husband and wife!) on your American Citizenships! 


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