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Video Series: What's New with the Strategic Plan?

Why a Video Series?

In our latest video series, Middletown Schools will take viewers on a trip around the district to show off, explain, and demonstrate #MiddieRising.

In 2018, the district launched a 3-year strategic plan. The plan focuses on four main pillars: Instructional Excellence, Valuing Diversity, Student & Family Wellness, and Communication & Community Engagement. It is our hope this video series demonstrates to the community what is happening in our schools every day.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy all #MiddieRising has to offer its students, staff, and community.

Watch: What is Makerspace?

Makerspace & STEAM

Pillar: Instructional Excellence 

In this video, watch and learn how our K-8 students and teachers use STEAM and Maker Learning to complement their classroom lessons. You'll hear testimonies from Amanda Elementary teacher leader Peggy Brubaker, Mayfield Elementary teacher Joe Manning, Middletown Middle School assistant principal Amanda Robinson, and 5th grade student Luke. 

It's the Middie Modernization Movement LIVE!

Watch: What is CBL?

Challenge Based Learning (CBL)

Pillar: Instructional Excellence 

We are excited to share this Challenge Based Learning, or CBL, video with our community! As part of our strategic plan, we pledged to bring modernized instruction to our students. At the Middletown Middle School, teachers and students are implementing CBL to their teaching and learning. Soon, CBL will come to Rosa Parks Elementary (as well as a building addition!), followed by our other elementary buildings.

The future is bright for every. single. one. of our Middies #MiddieRising

Watch: What is a SBHC?

School Based Health Center (SBHC)

Pillar: Student and Family Wellness

In our latest video series, Middletown Schools will take viewers on a trip around the district to show off, explain, and demonstrate #MiddieRising. In this video, we're visiting the School-Based Health Center (SBHC), located in the Middletown High School. The SBHC is open to everyone (students, staff, & community), regardless of insurance.

Learn More About SBHC >>

The future is bright for every. single. one. of our Middies.

We hope you enjoy all #MiddieRising has to offer its students, staff, and community.

Watch: How do we empower learners with technology?

Empowering Learners with Technology

Pillar: Instructional Excellence 

In this video, Christy Kirby, teacher leader at Miller Ridge Elementary, Jennifer Gleason, ELA teacher at MMS, and Michael L., MHS student, demonstrate and explain how the technology resources inside classrooms as well as professional learning opportunities for teachers prepare all students for future careers. By going 1:1, Middletown City Schools is creating equitable access, participation, and outcomes for all students.

"We are [still] providing all the building blocks and the foundation for students' educational careers. Technology is just adding to that. It's helping with the engagement, it's helping with the interest, and it's providing another way for the students to show what they know." -Ms. Kirby

Watch: What is #MiddieRising?

Culture in Middletown: What is #MiddieRising?

Pillar: Communications and Community Engagement 

In this video, members of our community, our staff, and our students explain the culture shift they're experiencing in Middletown. We call it the Middie Modernization Movement. Rise up and be the reason #MiddieRising

"The culture of Middie Rising is inclusive, it's about everyone's strengths and even their shortcomings will be able to become a part of something bigger than individuals alone...Middie Rising is not just a hashtag, it's a movement...it reminds us that we're great. It reminds us of all the things that we've done in the past, and all the things that we can do in the future."
-Jackie Philips, Health Commissioner, City of Middletown

Watch: What is the Middie Meal Machine?

What is the Middie Meal Machine?

Pillar: Student & Family Wellness

In this video, you'll learn all about the Middie Meal Machine, our district food truck. We launched the M^3 in summer 2019 and we can't wait to expand the program.


"My goal basically is to reach as many kids as we can. The Middie Meal Machine has been fun, it's been exciting. The community is excited about it. We're excited about it here in the Middletown City School District. It's a wonderful thing to do. It's a beautiful thing."
-Chef Jerry Henderson, Sodexo head chef at Middletown City Schools.


"The Middie Meal Machine is providing quality meals for students who may not have them...The Middie Meal Machine is breaking down yet another barrier in our students' lives."
-Keri Hensley, principal at Wildwood Elementary

PAC Night

PAC Nights

Pillar: Communication & Community Engagement 

In this video, you'll learn more about our Parent Advisory Council Nights, also known as PAC Nights. PAC Nights are special for each school with a unique theme to give parents an opportunity to see what their child is learning in the classroom.

The future is bright for every. single. one. of our Middies #MiddieRising




Pillar: Valuing Diversity

 In this video, you'll learn more about #DiversityRising. In our Strategic Plan, valuing diversity is a primary objective in the District. You will hear accounts from Kee Edwards, Principal at Miller Ridge Elementary, and Kristin Martin, Teacher at Highview 6th Grade Center, highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusiveness in Middletown City Schools.  Our goal is to provide quality education to ALL students. We call it the Middie Modernization Movement. Rise up and be the reason #MiddieRising


"I believe the empathy that we've built has allowed some teachers to change their practice and makes some changes into how they approach situations based on each individual student." - Kee Edwards


"I would love the community to know that we are so excited to have your kids and we love teaching them on a daily basis. We come here excited every day to do this job!"Kristin Martin


Teacher Talent

Teacher Talent: How Staff Professional Development is Making a Difference

Pillar: Instructional Excellence

In this video, you'll learn more about our "Teacher Talent". Instructional excellence is the first objective prioritized in our Strategic Plan. Professional development for our staff provides them with the tools needed to foster learning for our students. Hear teachers share their experiences of professional development and how it has transformed their creative learning approaches in the classroom. Rise up and be the reason #MiddieRising


"Using some of the technologies, like Schoology, to individualize the learning for the student..." - Matthew Kirwen


"What ideas have I learned? I have gotten to learn this technology a little bit better each time and they are teaching me and it's fantastic!" - Cheryl Wyatt