About Us

Faculty Information

Our Educators

The Middletown City School District faculty stays on top of current research in the field of education by attending professional development sessions offered by the district and area universities. In-service opportunities are designed to help the staff develop and reinforce the skills necessary to meet the changing needs of their students. Continuing education is also very important to our teaching staff. We have: 

  • 137 MCSD Teachers with Master's Degrees
  • 33 MCSD Teachers with Masters + 20
  • 91 MCSD Teachers with Masters + 30
  • 2 MCSD Teachers with Senior Professional Educator Licensure
  • 1 MCSD Teacher with PhD

The Middie Modernization Movement


Quality Instruction


Developing the Whole Child


Enhancing Digital Literacy


Communication & Community Engagement


Fiscal Responsibility


Board of Education

Chris Urso (president), Todd Moore (vice president), Anita Scheibert (member), Michelle Novak (member), Cathie Mulligan (member)